
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

3 Stretches For Higher Vertical Leaps


What's goin' on guys, today I'll try to bring you answers to some questions I've been getting in regards to stretching.

A lot of people are wondering if stretching really improves your vertical jump... here's the answer

And if anything else, checkout this article on stretching too

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Vert Shock Review - My Results With The Program


Today I decided to do something different and go out of my regular routine. I decided to open my blog for someone who has a very interesting story. This guy is a 30 year old athlete who’s always been struggling with his jump. He tried countless ways to increase his vertical but only recently he […]

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Plyometrics: The Key To Jumping Higher


This is the first in a series of posts I’m going to be doing about plyometrics. In this series I’ll be covering both- lower body, and upper body plyometrics. We’re going to have an overview of lower body exercises you can do to improve your ability to jump higher, run faster, be more explosive and […]

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How To Jump Higher Off of 2 Feet


Today I want to show you a 2 feet jump technique that will add some instant inches to your vertical leap and will help jump higher immediately. Before I head on to the main subject of this post, I just want to quickly say I’m working on a new concept that’s coming up lately. This […]

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Increase Your Vertical Jump With These 6 Principles


Today I want to go over 6 jumping principles with you. If you follow these principles correctly you will be able to gain another 2-6 inches on your vertical jump immediately by having the correct form and by allowing your body to do what it’s capable of doing. I wanted to list principles that will […]

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Q&A With Jacob Hiller - Tips From A Vertical Jump Master


Hey Guys, I haven’t updated my blog for a while and it’s time I gave you something. This is an interview I found with Jacob Hiller, the author of the Jump Manual program. In this interview he talks about some really important things and he gives out some gold nugget tips in between. Be on […]

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Effective Shooting Techniques For Becoming A Clutch Scorer


Shooting is an art as they say, there are so many variables that are taken into account when determining if the shot will go in or not. In order to become a clutch player and a great shooter like Reggie Miller, Ray Allen or Stephen Curry there are some basic principles that we need to […]

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Ball Handling Like a Pro - Cross Over Your Defenders


Good point guards of the game such as Allen Iverson were always characterized by exceptional ball handling skills. This aptitude is what allows them to move freely around the court without losing the ball or getting stripped by defenders. On top of that defending the ball when penetrating to the basket area is the most […]

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Jump Training and Workouts Which Boost Your Basketball Performance


Learning how to increase your vertical jump is a skill you need as a basketball player. By enhancing this skill, you will perform better in every game and you’ll have a better chance of becoming the MVP on your team. The problem is, not everyone are born with a killer natural vertical and not all […]

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The MVP Ladder Race For The NBA's 2014 Season


A few days ago there was a post published on the NBA’s MVP ladder that there’s no doubt already to who going to win the MVP title this year. The MVP ladder has decided the Kevin Durant (KD), will take himself the long awaited degree and that he should be the one to win it […]

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The NBA Slam Dunk Contest In Last years: A Vertical Jump Display!


In the last years the NBA’s slam dunk contest has really deteriorated, it has became massively commercial and it’s no longer continues to develop. In the past years, with stars like MJ and Nate Robinson, where the slam dunk contest was a challenge there was still some curiosity as to what will happen, will they […]

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A Power Forward Like You've Never Seen Before


Everybody knows the significance of a good power forward player on your side. A good forward will know how to take advantage on the holes of the opposing team and break the defense alignment in the right time. A power forward who is marked by the sign 4 is there to help the center and […]

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The Best Shooting Guard Review That You Didn't See


Well in today’s basketball world we all know what a shooting guard is, right? a shooting guard is a guy that plays basketball at a certain position on the court, usually marked as 2. When a shooting guard plays, his role is to basically get himself open for a shot, he does that by practicing […]

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